Monday, September 24, 2007
Using Qi Men Dun Jia to do prediction
Assuming that you have something to ask. Qi Men Dun Jia uses the present time and date to form a chart. Below is how the chart looks like:
公历时间:2007-9-24 10:22:00 农历时间: 农历丁亥年(猪)八月十四 节气:2007-9-23 18:21:00
秋分下元干支:丁亥 己酉 辛酉 癸巳当日旬空:午未(年)寅卯(月)子丑(日) 午未(时)
此局为阴遁四局 直符:天芮星 直使:死门
│ 九地 │ 玄武 │ 白虎 │
│天心 丙│ 天蓬 辛│ 天任 癸│
│杜门 戊│ 景门 壬│ 死门 庚│
│九天 │ │ 六合 │
│天柱 丁│ │ 天冲 己│
│伤门 己│ 乙│ 惊门 丁│
│ 直符 │腾蛇 │ 太阴 │
│禽天芮 庚│天英 壬│ 天辅 戊│
│乙生门 癸│休门 辛│ 开门 丙│
The above chart was formed this morning around 10plus when two friends called me up for some advises. I used QMDJ to predict the outcome of their questions.
When I saw the chart, it showed Fu Yin 伏吟. Usually, when a chart is Fu Yin, is better not to take any action. However, QMDJ analysis is not just based on one factor, Fu Yin chart, to come to a conclusion. It has to depend on alot of factors such as what is the question asked, is the person a host or a guest, and luck goes to whose side and etc.
Next, I checked on the time pillar heavenly stem 天干,癸, this is to understand how the situation like. It showed that heavenly stem fell in a palace which was VOID 空亡. A VOID could interpret as invalid questions asked or situation could turn out to be different from what it was planned.
Apart from that I also use another method to check on the question, that was zhi shi 直使:死门. In that chart, zhi si also fell into VOID palace. On top of that, it showed Si Men 死门, another inauspicious sign which means no good ending.
With so many inauspicious hints, I replied one of my friends, not to expect any good result from that event. True enough, my friend called me up a few hours later. The person who was supposed to attend for the meeting did not turn up!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Joke of the day
After our lunch, my friend was driving me back to my office. His car radio was playing chinese song from radio 100.3FM, which I seldom listen to this station. After the song, the male DJ made an annoucement that their radio mobile team and a female DJ, Xiao Zhu (小猪), was distributing car decal and mooncakes at ABC market car park(Brickwood). ABC market is very near to my office, but anyway my friend and I was not interested in this car decal and mooncakes.
A moment later, the male DJ called this female DJ who was distributing the car decal at ABC market car park, the male DJ was asking her how was the crowd and blah blah blah. Then suddenly he said something that caught our attention, he mentioned pretty DJ! My friend and I looked at each other, and we laughed. We were just curious how pretty the DJ was? Anyway, I have not seen a pretty DJ before, have you? So we changed our destination to ABC market car park instead of office.
When we reached the car park, I managed to catch a glimpse of the DJ's back, could not see her face. Being curious, I told my friend to drive up next to her, so that we could have a better view of her. My friend hesitated for a moment, as he was shy!
Eventually, he did drive close to her. She was standing somewhere near to the car passenger side, so I wind down my window and asked her politely," Can I have a car decal?" She replied in a gentle tone," Sure." And she walked up to us, then she asked," Do u listen to our radio station?" I answered her instantly, "Yes, we do!" She was not convinced, she checked my friend's car radio display. Then she changed her tone and said," Hey you guys are not listening to ur radio station!" I was surpised to hear that, and I looked at radio display. Oh gosh, it was not 100.3FM, it was playing song from 88.3FM station! My friend changed the radio station while we were en route there, he did not change back to 100.3FM.
She was disappointed, when she was about to turn back and walked away. I quickly added, "I did listen to the radio station just now, someone sent a sms to radio station earlier on, the message was; You look pretty." Phew... Could see her face smile. I saved the day.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Office Fengshui

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
So I was curious, I checked today's bazi (4 pillars) and based on the earthquake occurred time 7pm? The bazi looks like this:
Hour Pillar Day Pillar Month Pillar Year Pillar
甲 (wood) 己 (earth) 己 (earth) 丁 (fire) <--- Heavenly Stem
戊 (earth) 酉 (metal) 酉 (metal) 亥 (water) <--- Earthly Branches
4 pillars is consists of two rows, the upper row is known as Heavenly Stem, while the lower row is known as Earthly Branches.
If you were to observe today's bazi, there are 2 earth 己 elements in the heavenly stems (Day and month pillar), under these 2 earth elements are two metals 酉. These 2 metals are not friendly to each other, they clashes with each other when both metals 酉 meet. The clashes could have resulted the 2 earths which sit on metals 酉 to shake, so that is the cause of the earthquake?
Monday, September 10, 2007
Tai Sui 太岁
It is believed that people who chong or fan tai sui will face a year of obstacles, unless in the begining of the year, offerings have made in temple to appease Tai Sui.
Next year 2008 will be a year of rat. For those who are born in year of rat, rabbit, horse and rooster, is a year of chong or fan tai sui year.
Thursday, September 6, 2007

Today, I went to Seletar Farm nursery, there were pots of Daisies for sale. And I got myself 2 pots of daisies. It has been quite some time since I bought flowers, the last time I bought flowers was before Lunar New Year.
When I was in Australia, I used to visit nurseries whenever I was free. I can still remember there was one small nursery in Sunnybank Shopping Centre, which was next to K-mart. I got most of my gardening stuffs there.
During my 2 years stay in Australia, I kept myself busy by taking care of my tulips, strawberries and roses. Without gardening, my sundays would be super boring! Now back in Singapore for almost 6 years, I have not done any more gardening. Too busy in my fengshui research.
In fengshui, fresh flowers can be used to improve one's romance luck 桃花运. If you are single and living with with your family. And if you want to improve your relationship with someone, you can consider placing one pot of fresh flowers in your tao hua wei 桃花位, ideally in your room. Why in the room? The reason is because every of us have different tao hua wei, if placed flowers in the living room, you may accidentially activate a married person's tao hua wei position, which may bring more problems.
To know your tao hua wei, you can refer to the chart below:
Born in the year of - Tao Hua Wei (Romance's position)
Rat, Dragon, Monkey - West
Rabbit, Goat, Pig - North
Horse, Dog, Tiger - East
Rooster, Ox, Snake - South
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
So wednesday is always a good day huh?, you asked. Generally is Yes but with the exceptional of broken day 破日. Which is not good to buy any stuffs!
This morning while I was driving back to office, I almost wanted to detour to a nearby florist. I was thinking of getting some bamboo plants for my house, bamboo plants are good for fengshui. Before I could reach the florist, I quickly got my hand held PDA out, using the auspicious date software to check whether today is an auspicious date or not. And I found out that today is a broken day! I drove back to office immediately without stopping at florist.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
缘分 Yuan Fen (Destiny?)

This evening, I went to attend some awards ceremony and I happened to see an "old friend", Ng M, there. When the moment I saw her, I told myself, "She seems to have lost weight." Was it her job too stressful for her? Then I remembered that she is an Accountant with one of our local freight service providers.
Talking about Accountants and Auditors, it seems like I have this yuan fen with people who are in this profession. I know my good friend, J, through IRC about 9 years back, she works as an Accountant.
Even the first girl, Tan HL, who melted my heart 14 years ago, is an Auditor by profession, she worked in KMPG (Sin).
The last time I had a drink with a girl in Modestos Johor Bahru. Her name is Tan CL, also work as Auditor! The most interesting thing is, she also works in KMPG.
So is my destiny to meet people who are Accountants and Auditors? Or there are too many Accountants and Auditors around? Maybe you can share with me that you have the same kind of experience as I do?
Monday, September 3, 2007
Housing block that look like a well from inside

Fengshui Audit in Adelaide 2005