It may sounds strange to you, to find a mole in the hair region. But do you know that a mole in the hair region is considered auspicious?
If a person has a mole in his hair region, most likely this person has some forms of talent. So if you find any moles in your children hair region, chances are they have yet-to-discover talents!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Health condition can be seen from face
This evening, I attended one wedding dinner at Regent Hotel. As usual, only in such occasions we get the chance to meet friends and chat.
At the reception, I saw two friends so I walked up to them to chat with them. While I was talking to them, I accidentially saw one of my friends' face, his face showed sign that his stomach was heaty. So I asked him," Are you feeling heaty lately?" He replied,"Yes." Another friend asked,"How did you know?"
I explained to them that it was his face that gave away, I saw his nose was red, so I concluded that he was having heatiness. In face reading, nose represents stomach, so when a person is having red nose, apart from running nose and pimple, the next likely problem would be a heaty stomach or suffering from constipation.
Besides that, face can be used to see other health conditions as well. Maybe next time, I will share with you more here in my blog.
At the reception, I saw two friends so I walked up to them to chat with them. While I was talking to them, I accidentially saw one of my friends' face, his face showed sign that his stomach was heaty. So I asked him," Are you feeling heaty lately?" He replied,"Yes." Another friend asked,"How did you know?"
I explained to them that it was his face that gave away, I saw his nose was red, so I concluded that he was having heatiness. In face reading, nose represents stomach, so when a person is having red nose, apart from running nose and pimple, the next likely problem would be a heaty stomach or suffering from constipation.
Besides that, face can be used to see other health conditions as well. Maybe next time, I will share with you more here in my blog.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Is 10th Anniversary!
My friend just msn me," Is 10th anniversary." I did not get his message, so I asked him what was this 10th anniversary about? Then he replied that today marked our 10th year anniversary in JB Holiday Plaza.
Yes,that was the most "memorable" overseas trip in my entire life! I still can remember that trip quite clearly. There were 5 of us in that JB trip, and that was my first time taking train to JB.
Upon reaching there, we checked into one of the local hotels there because we wanted to stay one night in JB. We left the room quickly after we have put our belongings inside the room. We headed straight to Holiday Plaza to shop and to meet our irc friend who lived in JB.
But before we could even start our shopping spree there, we were surrounded by more than 6 strong men, they were quite big-built by my standard. They wanted to have a "talk" with us, we feared our safety so we complied to their request. They even provided an escort service for us, we were all escorted to a restaurant outside the shopping mall.
And guess what? After the 1hr talk, we came out from the restaurant and ended up "poorer". We were robbed by those big-built men! Yes, it was a day-light robbery! There was no weapon used for your information but we could not do anything much about it as we were in their terrority! Anyway that was indeed an experience for me.
So next time when you travel to JB, do cautious.
Yes,that was the most "memorable" overseas trip in my entire life! I still can remember that trip quite clearly. There were 5 of us in that JB trip, and that was my first time taking train to JB.
Upon reaching there, we checked into one of the local hotels there because we wanted to stay one night in JB. We left the room quickly after we have put our belongings inside the room. We headed straight to Holiday Plaza to shop and to meet our irc friend who lived in JB.
But before we could even start our shopping spree there, we were surrounded by more than 6 strong men, they were quite big-built by my standard. They wanted to have a "talk" with us, we feared our safety so we complied to their request. They even provided an escort service for us, we were all escorted to a restaurant outside the shopping mall.
And guess what? After the 1hr talk, we came out from the restaurant and ended up "poorer". We were robbed by those big-built men! Yes, it was a day-light robbery! There was no weapon used for your information but we could not do anything much about it as we were in their terrority! Anyway that was indeed an experience for me.
So next time when you travel to JB, do cautious.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
This song specially dedicated to a friend.
Watch the video clip, very touching storyline. It shows that the power of love is the greatest. And to leave and to forget someone whom you love is the most painful thing to do.
Sometimes I wonder, why not everybody has a good set of bazi that can make everybody happy? Why would there be people who would fall out from love? And there would be loving couple?
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Master Song
Just completed my one week intensive Bazi class with Master Song, he flew from Taiwan to come here to conduct this special bazi class. Really an enrichment class for me, I have learned new methods from him.
Master Song has more than 40 years of experience in ming li xue (life charts analysis), he is well-known for his detailed bazi analysis. Apart from that, he has a seal that was reported that have helped people to cure problems. For example, a person feeling pain in his leg and could not walk properly would be able to walk properly after Master Song's seal was stamped on his leg, sounds amazing, isn't it? I have yet to witness that, but I have the seal stamps from Master Song. The seal is consisted of a bagua logo and it was blessed by a monk from Malaysia. Maybe that is the reason, why the seal could help people?
Master Song has more than 40 years of experience in ming li xue (life charts analysis), he is well-known for his detailed bazi analysis. Apart from that, he has a seal that was reported that have helped people to cure problems. For example, a person feeling pain in his leg and could not walk properly would be able to walk properly after Master Song's seal was stamped on his leg, sounds amazing, isn't it? I have yet to witness that, but I have the seal stamps from Master Song. The seal is consisted of a bagua logo and it was blessed by a monk from Malaysia. Maybe that is the reason, why the seal could help people?
Friday, December 21, 2007
Mirror, Mirror on the wall...
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the prettiest of all?", rings a bell, isn't it? Yes, one of the childhood fairy-tale stories, but I am not writing how the story begins and how it ends here. I am going to talk about mirrors that are used in fengshui.
Before I was trained under fengshui masters, I ever read some fengshui books that stated using mirrors could help to fill up any missing corners in a house. However, when I did a research on mirrors in classic fengshui books or chinese fengshui books, I have yet to come across any chinese or classic fengshui books that stated that mirror could solve fengshui problems. But today, I met a fengshui enthusiast who shared with me her experience of using mirrors to solve a fengshui problem. I was impressed with her finding as she mentioned that mirrors contain mercury property, which could help to solve fengshui problem.
I did an internet research on how mirrors were created, in one of the websites which I found, mentioned that mirror was formed by deposited a thin layer of metallic silver onto glass. In conclusion, is the metal property in the mirrors that solve fengshui problems.
Before I was trained under fengshui masters, I ever read some fengshui books that stated using mirrors could help to fill up any missing corners in a house. However, when I did a research on mirrors in classic fengshui books or chinese fengshui books, I have yet to come across any chinese or classic fengshui books that stated that mirror could solve fengshui problems. But today, I met a fengshui enthusiast who shared with me her experience of using mirrors to solve a fengshui problem. I was impressed with her finding as she mentioned that mirrors contain mercury property, which could help to solve fengshui problem.
I did an internet research on how mirrors were created, in one of the websites which I found, mentioned that mirror was formed by deposited a thin layer of metallic silver onto glass. In conclusion, is the metal property in the mirrors that solve fengshui problems.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Changing jobs
Lately, I have been working on one set of bazi. I was curious why this person, let's name this person as T, would give up such a highly paid job and a high position in the previous company. And the most important thing was; that person who just got promoted not more than 12 months ago!
Life is interesting, isn't it? Got what you wanted but gave up a few months later. Anyway, back to that person. T got a job in overseas but it was a short stint in that job, T got another offer. So I was rather surprised that a person who could handle things well yet still changed jobs within such a short span of time. So what went wrong?
A check on T's bazi, found out that this year liu nian 流年 clashed with one of the T's bazi pillars, the damaged was "bad". Apart from that, the clashed bazi pillar contained yang ren 羊刃 star, this star was rebellious when clashed. In addition to the clashed pillar, it contained another important star that was travelling horse. With so many supporting "evidences" to show when a pillar clashed, is a sign of movement. So that explains why T changed jobs!
Life is interesting, isn't it? Got what you wanted but gave up a few months later. Anyway, back to that person. T got a job in overseas but it was a short stint in that job, T got another offer. So I was rather surprised that a person who could handle things well yet still changed jobs within such a short span of time. So what went wrong?
A check on T's bazi, found out that this year liu nian 流年 clashed with one of the T's bazi pillars, the damaged was "bad". Apart from that, the clashed bazi pillar contained yang ren 羊刃 star, this star was rebellious when clashed. In addition to the clashed pillar, it contained another important star that was travelling horse. With so many supporting "evidences" to show when a pillar clashed, is a sign of movement. So that explains why T changed jobs!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Academic Position 文昌位
Alot of times when I did fengshui audits for families, parents were eager to know which position in their houses was the academic position 文昌位. They wanted their children to do their homework and to study their examinations in that position.
And based on my experience, if a student who sat in academic position to study for his exams, his chances of passing with flying colours would be much higher than his classmates. I am a living example, back in year 2000 when I was a student in Brisbane. I studied very hard in my first year but the year end results were just credit (average), I did not even get a distinction for my hard work! I was disappointed!
In my second year there, I placed my table in a location, facing North, that was believed to be the best position to tap the academic energy. True enough, I got distinctions for most of my subjects. I was surprised to know the results, as I did not even put in alot of effort as compared to my first year. I could even surf the net and chat in ICQ till the wee hours!
So how to determine the academic position in your house? There are few methods, one of the methods is to use your bazi to work out your academic position. Another method is to see your house's flying star chart, star 1-4 which is the academic stars. These findings may require a professional fengshui master or ming li da shi to do it. But nevertheless, there is another easy method which you can adopt. Place your children in the South-east sector of the house, in Lu-shu, south-east is academic position. So if you have a room that is located in the south-east sector, make that room as study room!
Take note, if your house south-east sector is a toilet, chances of getting good grades will be lesser. If you want to do something about it, my advise is to engage a professional fengshui master to help you. With that, I will pen-off here, I wish you all the best.
Special Note : To achieve a good grade is not merely by placing your study desk in an academic position. As a student, you still have to play a part by studying hard. With the aid of fengshui, chances of obtaining good results will be much higher.
And based on my experience, if a student who sat in academic position to study for his exams, his chances of passing with flying colours would be much higher than his classmates. I am a living example, back in year 2000 when I was a student in Brisbane. I studied very hard in my first year but the year end results were just credit (average), I did not even get a distinction for my hard work! I was disappointed!
In my second year there, I placed my table in a location, facing North, that was believed to be the best position to tap the academic energy. True enough, I got distinctions for most of my subjects. I was surprised to know the results, as I did not even put in alot of effort as compared to my first year. I could even surf the net and chat in ICQ till the wee hours!
So how to determine the academic position in your house? There are few methods, one of the methods is to use your bazi to work out your academic position. Another method is to see your house's flying star chart, star 1-4 which is the academic stars. These findings may require a professional fengshui master or ming li da shi to do it. But nevertheless, there is another easy method which you can adopt. Place your children in the South-east sector of the house, in Lu-shu, south-east is academic position. So if you have a room that is located in the south-east sector, make that room as study room!
Take note, if your house south-east sector is a toilet, chances of getting good grades will be lesser. If you want to do something about it, my advise is to engage a professional fengshui master to help you. With that, I will pen-off here, I wish you all the best.
Special Note : To achieve a good grade is not merely by placing your study desk in an academic position. As a student, you still have to play a part by studying hard. With the aid of fengshui, chances of obtaining good results will be much higher.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Fried Fritters (Dough-stick) 油条
You may have tried Krispy Kreme Donuts that coated with different favours before. But have you tried fried fritters that are coated with different favours? Yes, fried fritters that come in different favours with different favour dips as well. Novelty idea isn't it?
So if you can't wait to try this special fried fritters, you can find them at Novena Square 2 basement.

So if you can't wait to try this special fried fritters, you can find them at Novena Square 2 basement.

Who says fried fritters go well with coffee or congee only? Now fried fritters can be eaten in different favours too! Green tea favour fried fritter anyone?
It was a charity act
This article free lunch caught my attention, this restaurant owner was hoping to raise $100,000 for MILK (Mainly I Like Kids) organisation by providing free buffet lunch. He thought people would donate generously after the buffet charity lunch but the sad thing was, people took it for granted. There were people who just gave $2 for more than 10 dishes of buffet lunch. Can you believe that? And the owner did not even mind it, I really respect this restaurant owner.
But I really sincerely hope that if you ever come across any charity drive such as the above story, you can donate generously. Thank you.
But I really sincerely hope that if you ever come across any charity drive such as the above story, you can donate generously. Thank you.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
A good news.
A friend just shared with me his good news, I was happy to hear the good news from him. In my heart, I have this satisfactory feeling. I am glad that my fengshui advises have helped him to achieve his dream.
I am looking forward to hear more good news from people who have seeked my fengshui advices.
I am looking forward to hear more good news from people who have seeked my fengshui advices.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Yin Zhai Fengshui 阴宅风水 article
This morning, I saw this Yin Zhai fengshui article on, if you are interested to read it, you can click on this link .
Monday, December 10, 2007
A month of weddings

Today I received another wedding invitation, is my 5th invitation in this first 2 weeks of december! I am still expecting another one wedding invitation card soon in my letterbox....
Looks like this month is really a good month to wed?! Or is everybody rushing to tie the knots before the year of rat comes? Anyone who is tying the knots, maybe would like to share with me?
Friday, December 7, 2007
Someone just asked me whether a clock could be hung and face door entrance? It is believed that clock in your house when face the door entrance, the wealth in the house would flow away.
But based on my fengshui research, I have yet to read any articles that stated it would inauspicious to place a clock in such position. Maybe you have heard such experience before? Maybe you would like to share it here.
But based on my fengshui research, I have yet to read any articles that stated it would inauspicious to place a clock in such position. Maybe you have heard such experience before? Maybe you would like to share it here.
Cold Joke...
An old man and a little gal were having dinner in a restaurant.
Little gal asked old man," Next time, can we bring popcorn (old man's pet) along?"
Old man replied," No, we can't. Pets are not allowed in non-designated restaurants." Little gal was disappointed.
After the dinner, little gal told old man this," I know a place where we can bring popcorn along!"
Old man asked," Where?"
Little gal answered," Cinema! Cos you watch movie with popcorn."
Old man almost fainted! .......
************************ Contributed by little gal *************************
Little gal asked old man," Next time, can we bring popcorn (old man's pet) along?"
Old man replied," No, we can't. Pets are not allowed in non-designated restaurants." Little gal was disappointed.
After the dinner, little gal told old man this," I know a place where we can bring popcorn along!"
Old man asked," Where?"
Little gal answered," Cinema! Cos you watch movie with popcorn."
Old man almost fainted! .......
************************ Contributed by little gal *************************
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Changi T3

Anyway, here are some of the photos which I took. If you have not been there yet, maybe you can drop there a visit on next weekend. T3 is huge and beautiful! See to believe. I welcome all comments on those photos. Cheers!

Tired? Have a cup of coffee first!

Giant pillars!

Beautiful Changi Control Tower

Wait for me! I am coming! Dun take off without me!
Left or Right?

Oops! Is trolley! My love for trolley starts here....

How romantic!
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Fengshui Audit in Adelaide 2005