Of late, there have been some comments on our Merlion's head, which was striked by lightning on last sat late afternoon.
In Asiaone website,
http://www.asiaone.com/Travel/News/Story/A1Story20090304-126212.html , it was reported that Geomancers and masters were asked to comment on this issue. From the poll result, it seemed like masters were divided, some masters based on their fengshui experience viewed that was a good sign. While the other half viewed it as bad omen.
And in last Sunday Lianhe Wanbao, there was also an article on masters' view on the Merlion's head. One master even commented that from Qi Men Dun Jia point of view, it was a good sign.
So which is which? A good sign or a bad omen? If you were to ask me what was my view on this, I would have simply put fengshui and Qi Men Dun Jia aside. Myself is an Electrical trained Engineer, I would view the damage on the Merlion's head was due to lack of proper lightning protection rather than a message from elsewhere!
Assuming that there was indeed a message from elsewhere, then I would say no matter what happens. We would still end up having both, the good sign and bad omen. Why? You ask. Well, we are already in the state of recession, isn't this consider bad? And economy is unlikely to improve overnight, and most likely in the next couple of months, more bad news would surface.
Therefore I would say that the damage was an indeed a bad omen. Having say that, we should not forget the law of physics, it stated that what goes up will still come down. Likewise, our economy will not be always in recession, it will recover. Is just like at the end of the tunnel you will get to see the ray of light. So no matter what, the damage on the Merlion's head is still a good sign after all, our economy will recover in the near term. If you were to look at this issue positively, the damage on the Merlion's head has indirected created some job opportunity for contractors! In addition, it had attracted more people to go there to see the damaged Merlion's head, it had brought business on the surrounding shops and restaurants.
If the Merlion's head had the lightning protection installed in the first place, I guess there would not be so much talks on whether the lighting strike was a good sign or bad omen. Nevertheless, we should not let this matter bother us, we should move forward from here.