Sunday, June 16, 2013

Water feature for your home or office.

Did you know that water feature if placed correctly, it can bring you good luck?

Yes, water feature is one of the common items that I usually suggest to my clients during my fengshui audit. As I have witnessed the benefits of having water feature at home or in the office. Besides improving a person's luck, water feature can beautify the surrounding, and not forgetting the therapeutic effect too!

And please do not place your water feature without consulting your Fengshui master, as water feature if placed incorrectly may bring adverse impact!

There are many types of water feature available in the market. If you want something simple, you may just want to get it off from the shelf. Prices can be from S$38 onwards to few thousands dollars! But if you were to ask me whether it is necessary to get those expensive ones in order to have a faster result? My answer would be NO!

However, if you are planning to get the water feature off from the shelf, you may want to take note that rough or uneven surface or odd shaped water feature should be avoided! Ideally, one should go for round-smooth-surface water feature or water feature that have metal ornament. Why? The reason is very simple, round shape represents Metal element in Fengshui. Therefore, having "metal"  in the water feature which will, in turn produce water, as some would regard water as wealth (水生财 shui sheng cai). So is better to have something that symbolise "production" (生 sheng) rather otherwise.

There is another important point that you may want to take note of, if the water flows in one direction, you may want to make sure that the water flow direction does NOT flow out from your house or office!

If you can't find any water feature off the shelf, you may want to opt for D-I-Y water feature. Anyway, is not that difficult to construct a water feature. But first, before you start your D-I-Y water feature project, you may want to take note the design of water feature is important! So remember to have your water feature design done up first before you make your next move. Do talk to your contractors if you are planning to construct a unique water feature at home or in the office! Important thing to note - Not all designs can work!

The most challenging part in D-I-Y water feature project will be choosing the correct water pump. Even contractors have problems in this area! To choose the right pump, all you need to know are the 2 parameters: Pump Head and Flow (speed).

Pump Head means that the maximum height that the water can flow up, while Flow determines how fast the water can travel. But of course, the water flow (speed) can be affected by the pipe size as well. So remember, choosing the right pipe size also matters! 

Last but not least, have fun with your water feature selection! Good luck!

Photos of Submersible pump and the Pump specifications (Pump Head and Flow)

Fengshui Audit in Adelaide 2005

Fengshui Audit in Adelaide 2005