20 minutes later, my friend was ready to pick me up. I quickly grab my compass and my PDA to meet him. While we were on the way to his office, I asked him how was his engineering business for this year. He told me that this year was rather a lucky year for him, I was glad to hear that. Before he shifted to this present unit, business was rather slow. I ever visited his old office a couple of times, the fengshui in the old office was rather inferior.
His new office is pretty near to my place, is about 5min drive to his office. When we reached his office and the moment I stepped into his office, I was welcomed by the sounds of gushing water, it was rather a pleasant sound. I always enjoy the sound of water, and I always wanted to get one water feature for my house to replace my existing old fish tank.
His water feature is rather big, is like a small pond with two artificial walls on 2 sides of the pond. One side of the walls has water outlet that allow water to gush out and flow into the pond of water. Right in the centre of pond is a standing bowl, water is pumped up to this bowl, making the water in the bowl to ripple. Is very nice water feature, which look like real stones even though the water feature is made of fibreglass material. The price of this water feature is so much cheaper than those water features that are made of real stones.
Well , if you are interested to get one water feature. Maybe you can contact me, I may able to get some discounts for you. Here are some of the photos which I took this morning for you to view.

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