This morning, I decided to climb Bukit Timah Hill to breath in some fresh air there. It was a tough "climb", took me about 30mins to secure the summit. The initial part of the "climb" was the toughest, because there was a stretch of steep slope which required me to put me alot of "effort" to "climb".

Finally, reached the summit. A sense of "achievement"? Is 163.63 m above sea level! High lor?!

Steep slope, do not run. That was the toughest part of the whole journey. Was it because that my age catching up? Or I was getting too weak?

An old signal tower.

Three tall signal towers. This photo was took in another part of Bukit Timah Hill. It was a short walk from the foot of hill.

A used Quarry.

Nice view, isn't it?
Condo in a midst of the forest.
If the condo sits on a right position with the quarry as a support, the fengshui will be good.
This place will be great to stay, get to breath fresh air everyday. Good Qi, isn't it?
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