Yes, Jia You Xi Shi 家有喜事. Most of you have attended happy occassion before. So have I. Really looking forward to this big day coming.

Shuangxi 双喜 - Double Happiness usually marks a happy occassion such as wedding.

"kuai Zi, Kuai Zi Zao Sheng Gui Zi 筷子, 筷子,早生贵子." Quote from one TV drama phrase, the drama show was shown sometime early this year. Cannot remember the name of the drama, sorry. The Kuai Zi phrase sounds like quickly have baby in Chinese.

Chopstick reminds me of another language - Japanese. In Japanese, chopstick is pronouced as
Hashi. However, in Japanese
Hashi, it can be interpreted as chopstick or bridge. So if you hear
Hashi next time, you have to understand the whole sentence first before you conclude that as chopstick.
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