Today, I am going to do something different, instead of me writing things that I have done. I am going to ask you a few questions which will crack your head.
Q1. Have you been to Chinatown point before?
If your answer is NO, please skip today entry. Just kidding, please continue to stay and discover some interesting findings.
If your answer is yes, please go to question Q2.
Q2. When was the last time that you were there?
Q3. Did you know that Chinatown point building exterior used to be light blue before it was changed to present colour :- yellow?
As far as I can remember, the first time I saw Chinatown point building, it was light blue in colour. And that was back in 1991, the light blue was with the building for at least ten years or so. Please correct me if I am wrong and that is the reason why I asked so many question in the opening of this entry.
Okay, let me continue, when the building exterior undergo "facelift" a couple of years back, I was quite surprised to see the new change of colour. And it did not stop me from wondering what were the reasons for a building to change its colour?
So was it due to top management's decision to change to attractive colour to draw more crowds? Or the present colour was chosen to match the key personnel's bazi; favourable colour? Or has it got to do with fengshui?

I have one explanation for the change. Look at the photo below, maybe you can find the clue in this photo. Okay, happy finding! Cheers