I know O when we were in university and that was 2001. We were from different faculty but our friendship started when both of us went to attend one module, back then we would exhange ideas and tips on that module.
And I have to say that our friendship is rather a special one, To think that both of us are from different countries but we could get along very well. Sometimes I do feel that my friendship with O is really amazing, to think that two of us are from different parts of the world yet we met in Australia and started our special friendship from there! To be frank, it didn't hit me that we would still keep in touch after graduation.
Anyway, we managed to contact each other 4 years after we graduated. O went back to her country after graduation but then decided to go back to Australia again to work. To cut the story short, we managed to meet up in the following year but it was in O's country. After that meet up, we managed to see each other again last year when I was in Sydney. Didn't expect myself to see my friend so soon again.
O if you are reading this blog, please pardon me for being a poor host. Gomen Nasai nai.

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