Monday, January 18, 2010

Will my maid stay? Using Qi Men Dun Jia chart to check....

*My friend knows that I am in Qi Men Dun Jia 奇门遁甲, recently her maid told my friend that she has the intention to leave the job. My friend is worried so she asked me whether her maid would continue to stay and work for them? Based on the time she asked me the question, the Qi Men Dun Jia chart is as shown in the photo above.

A quick glance on the chart shows that she will continue to stay reason is because she needs this job!

*Note : My friend had given me the permission to post up the question asked and of course the time she asked me the question. Please take note that I will only post articles with consent from the person involved. I do NOT post anything that without consent especially if involving other parties.


Anonymous said...

Your program resembles the Megan Worx Qi Men Dun Jia that use the 置闰 to determine the chart and rotating palace method to place the 8 doors.

Anonymous said...

I would like to ask a question. Pls give me yr e-mail id.

Fengshui Audit in Adelaide 2005

Fengshui Audit in Adelaide 2005