Well, Mr A, since u r now in Taiwan. I will blog here and state the answer here, the outcome will be not an enjoyable trip. Nevertheless, hope that the sky in Taiwan is clear now.
The person was very keen to carry out the task tomorrow despite the fact that I did not say anything. So I checked the charts for tomorrow based on different timings.
Is easy to find the Dog Statue, all you have to do is find the Hachiko Entrance / Exit at JR station.
Inside the subway train, waiting for the train to move.
The subway train map. For your information, there are alot of subways operated by different companies.
Finally, reached the station.
Waiting for my friend to pick me up, to bring me to her new house.
Reached my destination, Hokoku-ji Temple.
The notice board of Hokoku-ji Temple.
Here we are, the bamboo forget inside Hokoku-ji Temple, it costs 200 Yen per person to get into this forest. Think 200 Yen to see such a beautiful bamboo forest was really worth it.