Blind year is defined as there is no Li Chun 立春 during Lunar New Year. In the case of year 2010, Li Chun 立春 which falls on 4 Feb comes much earlier than the first day of Lunar New Year, 14 Feb 2010. As such, there will be no Li Chun 立春 in this Lunar New Year and this is regarded as Blind Year.
Recently, there was a topic on Blind Year, masters were trying to explain the effects of Blind Year. One of the effects which caught my attention was; Blind Year is not suitable to tie the knots. Some believe that tying the knots during Blind Year would be bad for marriage.
I wondered if that was true, then bridal shops would have closed down during Blind Years! Couples wanted to tie the knots would have shunned those Blind years and how would bridal shops survive if there was no business?
Now, let's look at this issue of Blind Year with a broad mind, if we were to look at those couples who tied their knots during Blind Years, are they all divorced now? Cannot be right?
So does that mean that couples who tied the knots outside Blind years would end up having better relationship? Well, I bet you have the answer to the last question!
In conclusion, please do not hesitate to tie the knots just because it is a Blind Year. Just remember to consult a Fengshui Master to pick an auspicious date to wed, marriage can be good as those who wedded during non-Blind years.
Good luck and congratulations to those who are tying the knots in the Year of Tiger!