Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A New Start for the New Year

Some of you may have the intention to change job or switch trade after this Chinese New Year. But before you do so, have you ever thought of this, have you been in the correct trade (industry) all the while?

What do I mean by correct trade (industry) is, whether your bazi is suitable to work in that particular trade (industry). Choosing the correct trade (industry) to work will help you to grow in your career path. If you have not, you may find yourself stagnant in the current position and pay rise have been slow!

If you want to have a new start for this new year, you may want to consult a Ming Li Shi (master) to get your bazi checked for the correct industry to work in. Here, I would like to wish you 步步高升 bu bu gao sheng in your career!

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Fengshui Audit in Adelaide 2005

Fengshui Audit in Adelaide 2005