To show you an example, I use the present time (2130hrs) to plot a QMDJ chart to find out whether the relationship between this young lady and her suitor will work or not? As we can see from the chart above that 庚 Geng is located in South-west palace which houses the 死门 Si Men (Death door) and 乙 Yi is located in North-east palace which houses the 生门 Sheng Men (Growth door).
In such situation, where both palaces (South-west and North-east) are belong to same earth element, we know that they are not "hurting" each other in term of element. But from the Eight doors (八门 Ba Men), there is a strong hint that the relationship may not work. To confirm this initial finding, we can look for other supporting indications.
Apart from the 死门 Si Men (Death door) that we see from the chart, this chart is a Fu Yin 伏吟 chart which means that Eight Door (八门 Ba Men and Nine Star (九星 Jiu Xing) are located in their original position. In QMDJ, a Fu Yin chart can be a quite discouraging hint.
The Eight God (White Tiger) in the chart is another sign showing that there are potential challenges in this relationship. And there are too many "technical" indications in this chart, in order not to confuse you any further. I will cut my analysis short, the conclusion for this chart is that this relationship will not work.
QMDJ sounds interesting isn't it?
There are at least three Geng Ge (庚格) in Southwest that can be the subject matter, therefore outright it may be concluded that the relationship will not last.
Using the 拆布 method to determine the Ju, the conclusion appears to be similar. In this case, Geng and Yi are in South and West directions, they oppose each another. Fu Lin scenario remains. The Gui Liu Yi is taking damage from landing in the South East sector (六仪击刑), hence the diagnosis is the relationship will not last.
Thank you for sharing your observation. Do stay tuned in this blog. Will post more QMDJ examples.
Thank you for the response.
Currently I am researching deeper into Zhi Lun and Chai Bu methods to see how they affect the outcome. Your examples will be most interesting.
Hi... sure do give me your feedback once you have discovered something interesting in both methods. Hope that you will enjoy the process of discovering QMDJ!
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