Tuesday, January 22, 2008

New Year Approaching

This afternoon, someone was so excited that New Year, or rather Year of Rat, was approaching. She claimed that Year of Rat would be a lucky year for her, based on one article that she read from somewhere else. She was looking forward to this new year, as she believed that she would have some form of money luck very soon!

Then she continued to say that only certain zodical animals woud be lucky. I did not continue to hear the rest of things she said. In my heart, I was thinking whether that article that she read, mentioned other "unlucky" zodical animals would face a year of obstacles or not? Wondering, how would those people who belong to those "unlucky" zodical animals feel now? Fear? Or stress?

According to my first master, he emphasized that to determine a person's luck should rely on a person's bazi. Using those yearly prediction guide for those zodical animals would be too general. So if are one of those "unlucky" zodical animals which some articles claimed that would be a year of obstacles. NO worries, your bazi may see you through this so called unlucky year.

If you are still worried, please consult a professional ming li shi (Master) to get your yearly prediction done.

Good luck!

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Fengshui Audit in Adelaide 2005

Fengshui Audit in Adelaide 2005