This is how a Zi Wei Dou Shu (ZWDS) chart looks like. This life chart belongs to a lady and in this chart it is clearly shown that her spouse would be someone who is either much older than her (at least 6 years or more) or younger than her by 2 or 3 years.
And the actual fact is, her spouse is more than 7 years older than her!
This is what I like about ZWDS, there are times when I cannot "see" such indication of wide age difference between spouses using other Ming Li analysis methods. But in ZWDS, it has clear tell-tale sign. Interesting isn't it?
Therefore, it is good to learn more Ming Li analysis methods to analyse a life chart. That's why I do not stop at one Ming Li analysis methods.

Disclaimer : The purpose of showing this ZWDS chart is demostrate what ZWDS can do, there is NO intention to discriminate other Ming Li analysis methods. Neither, to promote ZWDS. Readers should do more research to find out which Ming Li analysis methods that suit them well.
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