Tuesday, February 19, 2008


First, I would like to apologise to all my readers for not updating my blogs regularly. Lately, I have been busy doing alot of bazi research. Of late, there were some interesting cases that have been reporting almost like every other day in our local paper. Being curious to know why people would get themselves in unnecessary media attention or troubles, I decided to research on those involved persons. With their birth date to analyse, I was hoping to find out some answers.

Apparently those bazi data which I researched on, did show some form of "trouble" indications. And one of the most obvious tell-tale sign is when a person's bazi have the same heavenly stem and earthly branch (天干和地支) with liu nian (流年 Yearly heavenly stem and earthly branch) or da yun (大运 Luck Cycle). Apart from that, there was one bazi showed a lot of clashes during this period.

Having said that, I have to highlight that not all bazi when encounter repetition and clashes will be always bad. There were some bazi when encountered repetition and clashes, instead of having lousy luck, those people became very rich! Why? Well... in a simple layman term, those repetition and clashes become favourable to that person, that's why he became rich.

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Fengshui Audit in Adelaide 2005

Fengshui Audit in Adelaide 2005