Thursday, November 13, 2008

An invitation

Just received an overseas call from a friend. To be exact, an "old" friend whom I have known for more than ten years or so. To keep the story short, she called to invite me to her wedding : - an overseas wedding.

Time really flies! I can still remember clearly those times that we used to talk over the phone. Back then, she was only a student. Just like other students, she had full of ambition. After so many years of hardwork. Well, I am proud to say that she has achieved her goal. In case you are still wondering what have she achieved, she is a doctor. Doctors that save lives.

Back to her invitation, her wedding date is just only a few days away. The strange thing is, I am looking forward to attend her wedding dinner, this is my first time to have such feeling. To think I have attended so many weddings before, I never ever had such feeling before! Haha... wondering am I getting excited as her? Or it is because this is an overseas wedding which makes me looking forward to?

Anyway, think I will join her to countdown to her big day. Once again, let me congratulate her!

Congratulations to my dear friend! 祝你新婚愉快!

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Fengshui Audit in Adelaide 2005

Fengshui Audit in Adelaide 2005