Tuesday, November 3, 2009

High forehead

I ever heard people commented that having high forehead is a good sign, it shows that person who high forehead will either a hold high position or someone who can command. But wait, not everybody is suitable to have high forehead. For example, ladies should not have high forehead! In face reading, it is believed that ladies who have high forehead may not have good relationship with their spouses.

But there again, I need to stress that we cannot judge a person by looking at the forehead and start to say that person will command a high position if he is a gentleman and as for ladies, they will not have good relationship. There are other factors to consider too!

So next time, when you see a person who have high forehead, is just an indication that he may hold high position or someone who can command.

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Fengshui Audit in Adelaide 2005

Fengshui Audit in Adelaide 2005